Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Episode 2

What you'll find on this week's podcast:
  • Production Meeting - The latest news from the studio
    Clean-Up Day
    Beast Costume
    Henry 2.0

  • Behind the Scenes - Where your questions get answered
    Continued discussion about Batman Returns at Boss Films
  • Shop Talk - Tips & Techniques
    WED (Walter Elias Disney) Clay
    Ultracal 30 - Preparation and Use

    Don't forget to subscribe to our blog. Also, leave us a question and we will try to answer it on the show.    

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Episode 1

What you'll find on this week's podcast:
  • Introducing the Schaffer Studio Podcast
    Welcome to the Pilot Episode
  • Production Meeting - The latest news from the studio
    Disney's Broadway Production - The Little Mermaid
    YouTube Celebrity Project

  • Behind the Scenes - Where your questions get answered
    How did Clark Schaffer get started?
  • Movie Moment - Movies in Review
    Super 8
  • Production Slate - Progress of current projects at Schaffer Studios

    Don't forget to subscribe to our blog. Also, leave us a question and we will try to answer it on the show.